Shining Knight Cleaners

Services / Prices

Because the requirements of each job are different, and our services are intended to be catered to each client specifically, we cannot provide a full price list of each service.
We have supplied some rough estimates of the cost of each service, but each can be adaptable depending on what the client may need.
If a job is required which we have not listed, feel free to get in touch and we can see how we may best help you.

All prices are based on minimum property requirement, and may increase depending on the size of the job/property and client's needs.

COVID-19 Protection Service
Starts from £90
Price based on a small single bed property.
Our team will arrive to fog the property using approved treatments and includes the same treatment being applied by hand on handles, handrails, and other high contact points.

Reorganisation for Accessible
Hourly rate, £60
A 2 man team can come to rearrange for easier access, and room for medical equipment, etc.
For this service outside of the Norwich area, please contact us for a quote.

Extreme Clean
Starts from £390 per day
Our team (3 skilled staff minimum) will arrive for a full day of extreme cleaning. This includes kitchens, bathrooms, living spaces, etc.

Home Clearance
Starts from £380
Price based on a 1 bed full flat. Skilled and fully licensed team. Includes packing, sorting for charity/landfill, according to government guidelines with recycling as a key component.

We offer many additional services, please contact us to discuss with your specific needs and for a more precise quote.